‘Let the little children come to me’ Matthew 19:14.
Years ago one Hexham Mum realised that we all need somewhere to go with our babies, to chat, drink coffee, eat cake and find support and friendship – especially on a Monday morning. So the Hexham Trinity Parent and Baby group was born. It is still going strong!
Meeting between 9.00am and 12.30pm on a Monday morning in term time.
The rules are:
- You don’t have to let us know if you’re coming.
- You don’t have to come every week.
- You don’t have to be on time – come for as long or short as you like.
- Your baby can gurgle happily, sleep or scream through the whole thing and we won’t mind!
- You are welcome to breastfeed your baby and we have a quiet room if you want some privacy. We have a breast feeding peer supporter as part of our team.
- You don’t have to pay for anything –voluntary donations help towards new toys etc.
- Dads, grandparents or family are welcome to bring your baby for you or to come with you.
- If you have a toddler and a new baby we can cater safely for both.
- We work closely with local health visitors and midwives for advice and support.
Those who come on a Monday have said about Parents and Babies:
“This is my favourite of all groups. You really get pampered”
“New mums really appreciate having home made cake and coffee on a Monday morning, after a long weekend”
The group is really open and friendly and there are delicious home made cakes and hot drinks available for you.
Why not Like our Facebook page by clicking here.
Ring Isaac on 01434 601055 if you want to ask anything about the group before you come along or email the Church Office for more information (office@hexhamtrinity.org.uk)