The Church exists because of the love of God which was revealed in God’s only Son Jesus Christ. Christians believe that God loved everyone so much that he sent Jesus to live on the earth, born as a baby which we celebrate at Christmas, and that through his life he showed us how to live in God’s way – the way of the Kingdom of God. When Jesus was crucified he died for everyone and by his death won the victory over all the sin and death in the world; when he rose again on Easter Day he gave the gift of new and eternal life to the whole world – this is what the Church celebrates at Easter.
Christians are God’s people on earth and gather together to worship God, to learn more of his love and to support each other as they live out their faith each day. Exploring the Christian faith takes a lifetime which is why we journey alongside each other as the Church. There are many courses and groups which help people get to know more of God’s love. The most exciting part is that the Church, God’s people, is not a closed group but open to everyone who wants to learn more about Jesus’ love and what it means for them.
The following websites all share more about the Christian faith, however, websites can only tell us so much and the best way to find out more about God’s love is to come and meet with those who have already started to explore it through Sunday Worship, Trinity’s Groups or activities for Children and Young People. If you’d like to find out more about these groups or the Christian faith please get in touch.
Christianity –
ReJesus –
Alpha –