A place for everyone
to question, discover and explore the Christian faith
learning to live as followers of Jesus
so more people know of God’s love
The Trinity Prayer Shawl Knitting Group formed in 2009 after being introduced to the scheme taking place in America and the UK. The group were impressed with the idea behind the movement of being able to give friends, family and Church Members a tangible expression of God’s love and concern when going through happy, joyous, worrying or sad times. The prayers are woven for those folk into the garments and the group enthusiastically produce shawls and scarves and babies hats. At the time of writing the records show well over 500 shawls have been knitted to date, with photographs of many to illustrate the versatility of the knitters.

Everyone is most welcome to come along to the Trinity Prayer Shawl Knitting Group. The group meet every Thursday afternoon, 13:30 to 15:00 excluding first Thursday of month.

We welcome requests for shawls, scarves, hats and gloves and blankets. If you have any enquiries about the group or would like to request a prayer shawl please contact Hannah via the Church Office (office@hexhamtrinity.org.uk, 07908192048)




