UPDATE: From 5th November the Church building will be closed until further notice. Keep looking at the website for details of our reopening.
Returning to the church building for worship
On Sunday 30th August we took next step in our lockdown journey with the Trinity morning service led from the church building and those who chose to worship at Trinity. The service took place at Trinity in both the sanctuary and the large hall, on Zoom and broadcast on Facebook Live. Many attended in person and many more online and we will continue to follow this format in the coming weeks.
At Trinity those with children will worship as families in the large hall. Please note it is not possible to leave your children with leaders at the moment. The service that takes place in the hall will be connected to the service taking place in the sanctuary and will be suitable for adults as well as children. Things will look and feel very different when you come to the church building but we know that the God we gather to worship is the same yesterday, today and forever. Please watch this video which shows you how the building has been setup and what we need everyone to do to keep each other safe:
The most important thing for us all is that we worship God, in the current circumstances whether we do that in church or at home is a decision we must each make for ourselves. Please do not feel under any pressure to come to the church building. Those who feel able to come will be made very welcome and it will be wonderful to see you.If you have any questions about the reopening of the church building please contact myself or one of the Church Stewards. Rev. David