Our Sunday morning services are at 10.30am each week are currently in the building and online via Zoom and Facebook, and you can find details of this here. The details below are what we usual do outside Covid times and we hope to return to all these activities at some point.
Worshipping God as a community is at the heart of the Church. At Hexham Trinity it is the centre of our week. It is the time when we are able to come before God, to acknowledge how amazing he is, celebrate his love, learn and pray together and be equipped by God and each other to live as followers of Jesus.
More Information about the Services:
Worship at Hexham Trinity seeks to balance both the importance of regularly gathering together as a Christian Family and the fact that we can and sometimes prefer to worship God in a variety of different ways.
At 10:30am each Sunday we gather as a family for ‘Worship for All’ which aims to be accessible and inclusive. There are times for everyone to worship together and for children and young people to be part of Trinity’s Sunday Club. The music is led by a worship group and we hope the teaching helps to deepen everyone’s faith.
On 1st Monday of every month, 7:30pm start – Encounter is a place to meet with God, bring your questions, search for answers and meet with people. It is at West End Methodist Church run by Trinity and West End.